Life Network Talks

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Life Network Talks

Life Network Talks

Over the past two weeks, the Senior 4s attended two wonderful talks by foreign speakers who spoke about the dignity of life and sexuality. These speakers were brought to Malta by Life Network Malta ( especially to visit schools, targeting the upper seniors.

The first speaker was Rachel McKenzie. Rachel suffered a lot as a child as a result of abuse and when she grew older she fell pregnant twice and twice went to Planned Parenthood to perform an abortion. The second abortion had several medical complications and left her unable to conceive any more children. She speaks of the brokenness and anger that she felt as a result of these two abortions and her past difficulties until she found help in ‘Rachel’s Vineyard’. Rachel’s vineyard is ‘a safe place to renew, rebuild and redeem hearts broken by abortion. Weekend retreats offer a supportive, confidential and non-judgemental environment where women and men can express, release and reconcile painful post-abortive emotions to begin the process of restoration, renewal and healing. (  Ms McKenzie also engaged the girls by asking them to mention reasons why a women would want to perform an abortion and also guided them as to how to answer these reasons in a clear and logical way.

The second talk was by ‘Challenge Team UK’ ( This team is made up of young volunteers who educate teenagers about healthy sexuality. They present their message from a common sense and health perspective, without any religious reference. They delivered a lively talk which the girls loved, using several girls as volunteers in several games and exercises that helped pass their message across.

We thank Life Network Malta for making it possible to have such good speakers in our schools that help our girls appreciate all the more the dignity of human life from its very beginning to its natural end.

Ms Mariella Catania