#litterless Campaign

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#litterless Campaign

#litterless Campaign

Following closely on the Assembly Outreach held with the Senior School on the 16th January, 5 members of the Outreach Committee crossed the school yard over to the Junior School to present to the pupils the first outreach event hosted by the Juniors. The same themes and ideas regarding the purchase and re-use of second hand clothes were adapted for the younger audience with information sourced from the article by

Paula Cocozza in The Guardian of 19th February 2019.


Alexandra, Amy, Emma, Hannah and Maegan complemented their outreach with a colourful presentation which Alexandra prepared in order to engage the younger cohorts better. The Junior School students were eager to participate and the presentation was followed by a short question and answer session led by a member of their SLT which confirmed their understanding.


This is the first event to be shared with the Junior School and will lead to further collaboration and sharing of information and themes around EkoSkola between the 2 schools.


The full article used in this outreach event can be found on the following link. Worth a read and to be put into practice to reduce litter and make better use of our own personal resources.

